Send us your photos, modifications or thoughts for changes or modifications to the AllDolly product line and we will post it on this virtual wall of fame!
And Thank You for this magic AllDolly I purchased about a month ago… works like a charm.
I’m 55 and I manage it all by myself. I have already used it 4 times and I thank you for this invention.
Checkout a picture I attached. In this case there was an angled door / pantry door that was a challenge,. But I manage to work around it, and left the AllDolly to the task, left it overnight sitting there till I got the parts to fix it next day.
Really Thankful.
One of our new clients from Australia shared some pictures of his new Tall Expandable AllDolly and had this to say:
“Good Morning Roger – man is that a good design! Well done. I’ve had it about a week now. Here’s some photos of it in use – the second image is a 76cm oven but works just as well on the 60cm.”
One of our new clients from Australia shared some pictures of his new Tall Expandable AllDolly and had this to say:
“Good Morning Roger – man is that a good design! Well done. I’ve had it about a week now. Here’s some photos of it in use – this image is a 76cm oven but works just as well on the 60cm.”

This customer fabricated their own shelf.

A double oven on the Standard AllDolly.

One LG tech overcame a limitation of our early model of the Mini AllDolly by inserting a tube through the bumper tubing and adding more padding. Our new Wide Mini AllDolly provides several options for width of the support Arm.

One Tech needed to repair a Fridge that was mounted in a cabinet one foot of the floor. Keep in mind that it is completely full and resting on our Standard AllDolly!

In this picture the tech has utilized a bungee cord.

Received my dolly on April 11th and 2 days later needed it for a double Miele wall oven. Worked like a charm! Leo E. – Leo’s Quality Appliance Repair.

Great customer sketch drawn on an envelope

The Tall AllDolly and the Accessory shelf are used to service a stacked Dryer!

A picture of the mini all dolly in use on a dishwasher. We had to work on the bottom of the dishwasher and the mini all dolly worked out really well for this situation.
“Sometimes I have to uninstall plumbed coffee machines that are higher than five feet up in the cabinets.”
Steve – “The Miele Guy”
If you need this much height, contact us about the Xtra Tall AllDolly.